thats me! props to using a SW

Anthony Detorfino

Hey There! Thanks for checking out my page. This is where I'll probably post some brief things about projects I'm working on, mostly just a space to portfolio my projects and show what I've been doing.

IT114 Client/Server Side Chatroom

This was a semester long chat application created in IT114. It uses client/server sockets to communicate data and allows for seamless IRC chatting. This was a really in depth Java project that involved the from the ground up programming of several different files.


A League of Legends Statistical comparison app for Android that was developed with a team of four friends over a course of a course called codepath.

Simple Multifactior Web Banking Site

Web Banking software complete with multi factor authentication. Made with markup languages (HTML5/CSS) with Javascript and AJAX enabled by a server side script (PHP/Apache) and background databases (SQL)
Project: Web-Banking with Layered Multi Factor Authentication.

Not Just Analytical, but Creative too.

This is something I will have to come back with often, but I have a few projects that show off my creative side as well. I love programming, but I also just love making! Photography, Videography, Drawing, Painting, Electronic Music Production and Web Development with WordPress and Dreamweaver!

Contact Me!

I have a few ways you can get into contact with me.

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Shoot me an email with any sort of inquiries.

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